Info Loker Serang Banten PT Mowilex Indonesia

PT Mowilex Indonesia – PT Mowilex Indonesia adalah produsen cat dan pelapis premium yang telah beroperasi selama lebih dari 50 tahun. Perusahaan ini merupakan produsen cat berbahan dasar air pertama di Indonesia sejak tahun 1970.
Mowilex Indonesia memproduksi cat interior dan eksterior, varnish kayu berbahan dasar air, serta permukaan lain, seperti besi dan semen fiber dan juga bahan bangunan. Produk-produk PT Mowilex digunakan di berbagai commercial building, hotel, apartemen dan perumahan.
Mowilex Indonesia adalah satu-satunya produsen cat bersertifikasi karbon netral di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini memproduksi cat dengan kadar VOC nol dan rendah dengan warna-warna modern.
PT Mowilex Indonesia
Posisi : Management Trainee – Mowilex Future Leaders Program (MFLP) 2024
We’re an Indonesian premium paint manufacturer that prides itself as being the top choice for homeowners and professionals for 54 years. Our company consists of talented and dynamic team players, working together to make Mowilex a contemporary and ethical market leader. Mowilex is dedicated to giving back to our communities and protecting the environment, becoming Indonesia’s first carbon-neutral paint manufacturer in 2019. We’ve maintained this achievement for five consecutive years through our Enviromental, Social, and Governance program and ongoing Corporate Social Responsibility programs.
We’re offering a management trainee program, the Mowilex Future Leaders Program (MFLP). MFLP is a one-year program starting in August 2024 that includes both on-the-job and professional, external training. The program will cover all core operations of the company, including but not limited to: finance, research and development, marketing, manufacturing, sales, and human resources.
Your Role
- In MFLP, you will have the opportunity to develop skills through on-the-job training, receive professional training, as well as having a better behind-the-scenes understanding of the highly competitive paints and coatings industry. After graduation, the trainees will be placed in various leadership and management positions based on their interests and the company’s needs.
- Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree from all Majors
Fresh graduates from reputable universities with minimum GPA of 3.00, or
Young professionals with less than 2 years of work experience
Experience in organizations preferred
Good communications and problem-solving skills
Desire and ambition to grow
Fluent in English
What’s In It For You
- 12-month fast-track program which will lead you into a leadership position
On-the-job training with selected mentors and professional training
Highly competitive benefits and opportunities.
1. Dipersilahkan untuk para pencaker jika berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan lowongan kerja diatas, anda dapat kirimkan berkas dan CV lamaran yang terbaru dengan cara klik tulisan APPLY FOR JOB yang ada di paling bawah artikel ini.
2. Informasi lowongan kerja ini sewaktu-waktu dapat ditutup jika kuota sudah terpenuhi
3. Harap dibaca dengan baik dan benar secara teliti agar tidak terjadi kesalahan saat mengirim lamaran
4. Seluruh proses rekrutmen dan seleksi pelamar baru tidak dipungut biaya apapun atau GRATISS !!!
To apply for this job please visit