Lowongan Kerja Via Email PT Teladan Prima Agro Tbk Kalimantan Timur

PT Teladan Prima Agro Tbk

Merekrut.com – PT Teladan Prima Agro Tbk bersama dengan entitas anak usaha (selanjutnya disebut dengan “Teladan Prima Agro” atau “TPA”), atau yang dikenal sebagai Teladan Prima Group, adalah perusahaan agribisnis yang bergerak dibidang perkebunan dan pabrik kelapa sawit. TPA memulai operasi perkebunan perusahaan pada tahun 2004 dan terletak secara strategis di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, dimulai dari Kabupaten Berau dan berkembang ke Kabupaten Kutai Timur, Kabupaten Paser, hingga Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara.

Keberadaan TPA memberikan dampak bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat khususnya di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan pertumbuhan perekonomian Republik Indonesia. Komitmen TPA untuk membangun perekonomian daerah terlihat dari terbukanya kesempatan kerja, pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal, perbaikan infrastruktur, dan pendistribusian listrik.

TPA berkomitmen untuk menjadi perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit yang berkelanjutan, mendukung pelestarian lingkungan yang bersinergi dengan alam dan keanekaragaman hayati, menerapkan praktik pembukaan lahan tanpa bakar dan pemanfaatan limbah, serta mengelola kawasan konservasi dan menjadi pionir penyelamatan orangutan di industri kelapa sawit.

PT Teladan Prima Agro Tbk


1. Estate Administration (Kasie)

Responsibilities :

  • Preparing administrative activities so that data receipts and business unit reports (PIS & SAP) are well coordinated and timely.
    Coordinating with the Field Assistant in terms of budgeting and recording costs that occur in accordance with the posts that have been budgeted.
    Assist the Estate Manager in terms of the tasks of financial administration, personnel and financial administration, personnel and other general administration.
    Carry out administrative activities for procurement of goods and personnel.
    Conduct stock-taking of goods in the warehouse of the business unit and match it with inventory according to the inventory card and stock in the program periodically.
    Collecting/withdrawing funds that will be carried out by the business unit so that the payment of salaries of employees and partners is on time and making Cash Opname.
    Perform the function of assistance and supervision to employees and partners of outside parties under their responsibility.

Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s Degree of Accounting is preferred.
    Minimum 2-3 years of experiences in similar role & Palm Oil Company.
    Familiar with Stock Opname, Budgeting, Journaling, & Reconciliation, Etc.
    Proficient in using Accounting Program (e.g. SAP & PIS)
    Communicative, collaborative & proactive.

2. Mill & Logistics Administration (Kasie Mill)

Responsibilities :

  • Preparing administrative activities so that data receipts and business unit reports (PIS & SAP) are well coordinated and timely.
    Coordinating with the Mill Assistant in terms of budgeting and recording costs that occur in accordance with the posts that have been budgeted.
    Assist the Mill & Logistics Manager in terms of the tasks of financial administration, personnel and financial administration, personnel and other general administration.
    Carry out administrative activities for procurement of goods and personnel.
    Conduct stock-taking of goods in the warehouse of the business unit and match it with inventory according to the inventory card and stock in the program periodically.
    Collecting/withdrawing funds that will be carried out by the business unit so that the payment of salaries of employees and partners is on time and making Cash Opname.
    Perform the function of assistance and supervision to employees and partners of outside parties under their responsibility.

Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s Degree of Accounting is preferred.
    Minimum 2-3 years of experiences in similar role & Palm Oil Company.
    Familiar with Stock Opname, Budgeting, Journaling, & Reconciliation, Etc.
    Proficient in using Accounting Program (e.g. SAP & PIS)
    Communicative, collaborative & proactive.


1. Dipersilahkan untuk para pencaker jika berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan lowongan kerja diatas, anda dapat kirimkan berkas dan CV lamaran yang terbaru dengan cara klik tulisan APPLY FOR JOB yang ada di paling bawah artikel ini.
2. Informasi lowongan kerja ini sewaktu-waktu dapat ditutup jika kuota sudah terpenuhi
3. Harap dibaca dengan baik dan benar secara teliti agar tidak terjadi kesalahan saat mengirim lamaran
4. Seluruh proses rekrutmen dan seleksi pelamar baru tidak dipungut biaya apapun atau GRATISS !!!


Subject: Name_Position

To apply for this job email your details to recruitment@teladanprima.com